State the question clearly and precisely.
keep away from vague questions that could lead students to different interpretations. If you use the word "how" or "why" in an essay question, students will be better able to develop a thesis. Asexamples of essay and short-answer questions:
Poor: What are three types of market organization? In what ways are they different from one another?
Better: characterized oligopoly. How does oligopoly differ from both ideal competition and monopoly in terms of number of firms, control over price, conditions of entry, cost from , and long-term construction ?
Auto Excel Patrak A
Poor: Name the principles seat on postwar American foreign policy.
Better: Describe three principles on which American foreign policy was based between 1945 and 1960; illustrate each of the principles with two actions of the adaptation branch of government.
Write out the correct answer yourself.
Use your many to help you revise the question, as needed, and to estimate how much time students will need to complete the question. If you can answer the question in ten minutes, students will likely need twenty to thirty minutes. Use these estimates in determining the number of questions to ask on the exam. Give students advising how much time to spend on each question.
Read the exams without looking at the students' names.
Skim all exams quickly, without assigning any grades.
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Before you begin grading, you will want an overview of the general level of performance and the range of students' reation .
Choose examples of exams to serve as anchors or standards.
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recognition exams that excellent, good, sufficient , and poor. Use these papers to refresh your memory of the standards by which you are grading and to ensure fairness over the period of time you spend grading.
What is being proposed?
The proposal is that The University of Edinburgh should authorized students to use a computer to compose their essay-examination responses in formal examinations.
The solution suggest is to use student owned laptops, with students downloading the necessary software (Exam4 from a company called Extegrity) prior to the examination. (The question paper is still distributed in the exam hall.) Clearly students need time to familiarise themselves with the software, but experience to date shows that the download and install are straightforward and that communally students feel comfortable with greatly less than half an hour practising with the software.